Respect the human rights of our employees, allowing for a clean and safe working environment, without discrimination in hiring and employment.
Suppliers shall not engage in forced labor or child labor.
Suppliers shall not practice discrimination in hiring and employment.
Suppliers shall prevent unfair low-wage labor.
Suppliers shall respect the rights of employees to organize and bargain collectively to promote smooth negotiation between labor and management.
Suppliers shall ensure that employees' working hours, holidays, and use of leave of absence are properly managed so as to comply with statutory standards.
Suppliers shall strive to provide employees with a safe and healthy work environment.
In the course of their business activities, suppliers shall duly consider the need to conserve ecosystems as well as local and global environments, and strive to prevent the occurrence of environmental pollution.
Suppliers shall observe all related laws and international rules, ensure fair transactions, and prevent corruption.
Suppliers shall disclose information regarding the above items in a timely and appropriate manner