- About us
UNEX is a company with more than 70 years of experience in the coffee business affiliated to the Japanese group ITOCHU. Our team is made up of highly experienced and professional people; through very clear objectives and a great team effort, UNEX has positioned itself as one of the best coffee exporters in Guatemala with a level of recognition for its quality and for our clients worldwide.
- Our Mission
Our philosophy is very simple and clear, and is based on the belief that all our activities must benefit our customers, our employees and our environment for the business to be sustainable, through good business practices, innovation and continuous improvement in our industrial efficiencies.
- Vision
Strengthen our commercial capacities, encouraging the growth of our supply chain system, exploring key coffee regions in order to provide new options and generate business opportunities.
Create synergies bonding with producers to develop sustainability programs to strengthen their capabilities, encouraging their education, bearing in mind social and environmental aspects. - Values
• Integrity
• Honesty
• Respect

Foundation of Compañía Mercantil De Sola, dedicated to the commerce of specialty coffees.1973
Name change to Comercial Pamplona, S.A., dedicated to the processing of coffee.

UNEX S.A. de C.V., a Salvadorian Company formed by most of the original shareholders of Comercial Pamplona, S.A., becomes a major shareholder.
The name of the Company changes from Comercial Pamplona, S.A. to UNEX (Guatemala), S.A.

Itochu Corporation is incorporated as shareholder of UNEX (Guatemala), S.A.
Itochu becomes major shareholder of the Company, giving a new perspective to the business.

Today, our business model has changed, the scope enhanced by procuring more coffee from cherry, adding wet mill operations to be closer to the small coffee producer, adopting strict food and safety protocols, thus setting a higher standard in the coffees exported.UNEX has also set a high bar in the social corporate responsibility realm in the Guatemalan coffee sector, offering a wide range of programs to support the coffee producer and their livelihoods, through alliances with the most prestigious organizations that provide innovative programs in the areas of Health, Education, Sustainability and Climate Change.

Region: Nuevo Oriente
Harvesting Season: December - March
Altitude: 1300 – 1700 masl
Type of Shade Tree: Metamorphic and Clay
Coffee Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Pache
Cup Profile: Well balanced and full-bodied for a consistent coffee throughout.Coffee has been cultivated in this region since the 1950s, mostly by small producers. Today, it is has grown as virtually every farm on the mountain has become a coffee-producing unit and what was once one of Guatemala ́s poorest and most isolated areas is now vibrant and growing.
Climate in this region is rainy and cloudy, Oriente is located on what was once a volcanic range.
UNEX collects coffee in 4 wet mill operations in this area from small producers. Small producers receive trainings with the MOCCA initiative by UNEX, as well as Recreational Centers and Medical and Dental Clinics year-round.BIODIVERSITY - CHAK MOOL Region: Santa Rosa
Harvesting Season: December - March
Altitude: 1300 – 1700 masl
Soil: Metamorphic and Clay
Coffee Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Pache
Today, Santa Rosa has become an important region for UNEX thanks to its profile, a coffee that is well balanced and full bodied with a chocolaty flavor, lending a solid base for importers and roasters around the world.
UNEX has 4 wet mill operations in this area, concentrating a healthy volume from small producers from various villages, all with strict quality controls and up-to-date trainings.
Harvesting Season: Dec – Mid March
Process: Washed, Sun and Mechanical drying Altitude: 1300 – 2000 masl
Soil: volcanic with pumice
Coffee Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuaí
Cup Profile: Vanilla aroma, Silky body, Citric acidity, Chocolate notes and Sugar canes sweetness.Acatenango is one of the eight coffee regions of Guatemala, it sits at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. You’ll find leafy forests nourished by the minerals produced in nearby volcanic explosions. Temperature gusts from the Pacific Ocean and marked seasons allow coffee to be sun-dried and its processing follows age-old family traditions. The San Martín Jilotepeque area shares come of these microclimatic influences becoming the origin of high quality coffees that UNEX also commercializes under the Valle de Volcanes brand.
Coffee from these regions is sourced in cherry. It is collected every day by producers and agents from the area, who work closely with UNEX (Guatemala), S.A.
The cherries are delivered on a daily basis to the company’s mill, Santa Bárbara, located in the town of Alotenango, some 40 Kilometers away from the Acatenango town.BIODIVERSITY - ALOM ANTIGUA REGION Harvesting Season: January–Mid March
Process: Washed, Sundried
Altitude: 1500 –1700 masl
Soil: Volcanic with pumice
Coffee Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuaí Cup Profile: Vanilla aroma, Silky body, Citric acidity, Chocolate and caramel notes, floral and pleasant fragrance.
Antigua Guatemala in one of Anacafe’s eight coffee regions, where one of the world’s finest and most distinctive coffees are grown. The mountain basin that surrounds the colonial city of Antigua Guatemala boasts sunny days and cool nights with low humidity. There are three volcanoes that surrounds the area, Agua, Fuego and Acatenango, providing its rich volcanic soil with pumice, helping retain moisture to counteract the low rainfall average. Coffee from this region is sourced in cherry. It is collected every day by producers and agents from the area who work closely with UNEX (Guatemala), S.A.
Cherries are delivered on a daily basis to the company’s mill, Santa Bárbara, located in a town named Alotenango, some 15 kilometers away from the Antigua City center. Here it receives the wet process and is properly dried for later transportation to the company’s dry mill named Ixchel, located near the capital city. Coffee rests in parchment until it is prepared for exports as required. Control points facilitate the tracing of every batch back to its reception in the wet mill.
Harvesting Season: January – April
Process: Washed, Sun and Mechanical drying
Altitude: 1500 – 2000 masl
Soil: Volcanic
Coffee Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Pache, Catuaí
Cup Profile: Marked acidity, Moderate body, with fine wine notes.
Huehuetenango is one of the eight coffee regions of Guatemala, located in the Northwest part of the country, surrounded by mountains and many rivers that nourish its soils. It is also home of the “Cuchumatanes” mountain range. The Mam people,direct descendants of the Mayas, settled here centuries ago.The extreme remoteness of the region virtually requires all producers to wet mill their own coffee. UNEX (Guatemala), S.A. collects the parchment from the hands of trusted producers and middlemen from the zone.
The sourcing and cupping teams of the company work closely with the suppliers in order to ensure high quality standards before they deliver the product in our purchasing agency, located in Huehuetenango City. Coffee is then moved to the company’s dry mill, Ixchel, where it rests in parchment until it is prepared for exports. Control points facilitate the tracing of every batch back to the supplier.BIODIVERSITY - NIMAK KAPE ATITLÁN Harvesting Season: December – March
Process: Washed, Sun dried
Altitude: 1500 – 1700 masl
Soil: Volcanic
Coffee Variety: Bourbon, Típica Caturra, Catuaí
Cup Profile: Citric acidity, Round body, Floral and Jasmine Notes
Atitlán is one of the eight coffee regions of Guatemala. Three spectacular volcanoes frames its landscape: Tolimán, Atitlán and San Pedro. This region is also blessed with the serenity of Lake Atitlán, one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. Every day the winds (called Xocomil) stir the cold lake waters, an important influence on the region’s microclimate.
Coffee from this region is sourced in cherry. It is collected every day by producers and small producer’s agents from the area who work closely with UNEX (Guatemala), S.A.
Cherries are delivered on a daily basis to the company’s wet mill, located in a little town nestled by the water called San Lucas Tolimán. Here, cherries follow the wet process. When they reach their perfect drying stage, the coffee is transported to the company’s dry mill Ixchel, near the capital city.
Coffee rest in parchment until the milling stage for exports. Control points facilitate the tracing of every batch back to its reception at the wet mill.BIODIVERSITY - SANTA BÁRBARA Harvesting Season: Jan – Mid March
Process: Washed, Sundried
Altitude: 1500 – 1700 masl
Soil: Volcanic with pumice
Coffee Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuaí
Cup Profile: Vanilla aroma, Silky body, Citric acidity, Chocolate and caramel notes, Floral and pleasant fragrance.
Antigua Guatemala is one of Anacafé’s eight coffee regions, where one of the world’s finest and most distinctive coffees are grown. The mountain basin that surrounds the colonial city of Antigua Guatemala boasts sunny days and cool nights with low humidity. There are three volcanoes that surround the area, Agua, Fuego and Acatenango, providing its rich volcanic soil with pumice, helping retain moisture to counteract the low rainfall average.
Coffee from this region is sourced in cherry. It is collected every day by producers and agents from the area who work closely with UNEX (Guatemala), S.A.
Cherries are delivered on a daily basis to the company’s mill, Santa Bárbara, located in a town named Alotenango, somo 15 kilometers away from the Antigua City center. Here it receives the wet process and is properly dried for later transportation to the company’s dry mill named Ixchel, located near the capital city.


Location: Palencia, Guatemala
Altitude: 420 -6200 feet
Varieties: Bourbon, Caturra, Maracaturra, Catuai, Pacamara
Harvest: December - April
Process: Wet mill, sundried in patiosRio Colorado is located in the Municipality of Palencia, 62 kilometers from the capital city of Guatemala. Originally, the farm was owned by the Colom brothers, who inherited the farm from their father in 1920. Mr. José Colom took possession of the farm in 1950 when he returned from California after completing his studies in agriculture. He was a true pioneer of coffee in Palencia, promoting the crop within his neighbors by providing free seedlings so coffee could become the main crop in Palencia.
Today, Río Colorado is a family business run by Ana Beatriz Colom, her husband and their two grown children with special attention to high quality coffees, producing their own seedlings to ensure quality and manage renovations. The state has its own traditional wet mill, where the coffee is the pulped and washed daily. The pulp is then used to produce organic fertilizer for the coffee plantation. Residual waters are treated effectively in natural tanks to prevent river contamination.
There are three beautiful rivers that border the farm: Colorado (Where the state name comes from), Danta and San Miguel, and there are also seven artificial ponds. In addition, there is a natural forest reserve of 533 hectares, mainly with pine, cypress and oak varieties. Rio Colorado is the first farm in the municipality of Palencia to use earthworm compost as an organic fertilizer, for which they have red worm beds where they also use recycled coffee waste. - ASOCIACIÓN PEQUEÑOS PRODUCTORES DE ALOTENANGO
Technical Information
Location: Alotenango, Sacatepéquez Guatemala
Varieties: Bourbon, Canturra, Sarchimor, Marsellesa
Altitude: 1174 to 1900 masl
Producers in the Association: 175Association Background:
In 1999 after sys producers joined together to purchase fertilizer, the idea came about to collectively trade their coffee. During the first year, 27 producers joined the efforts and on 2002 they formatted the association in order to process their products, hence reaping more benefits and a better price, always looking to sell their coffee the best way possible, keeping consistency in their coffee, picking at the ripest and sundrying in patios. After several years, while pursuing their quest to find the best web mill facilities, Don Juan Cojolón heard about UNEX and the Santa Bárbara wet mill, so the association began processing and selling the association’s coffee since 2003.
Main Objectives: Promote coffee production within the community, focused on training and the participation in activities to help develop good agricultural practices, respecting the natural resources and improving production, providing an opportunity to compete with their quality to improve the financial stability of the small producer and their family livelihood.
Main activities”
• Active participation in training process and certifications
• Coordinate donations when received
• Logistics and collection of wet cherries
• Coffee sales of cherries collected from the members
• Coffee quality control - ASOCIACIÓN COMAL
Varieties: catimor, caturra, pache rojo, catuai, bourbon
Altitude: 1200 a 1650 msnm
Location: La Democracia, Colotenango, La Libertad, San Pedro Necta
Producers in the Association: 250
Projects: 2020 COFFEE KIDS
Other certifications: Organic and Fairtrade
Volume per year: 3,250 bags
COMAL was formed in 2006, joined by three associations in the area, one being a women producer association, ASOMAMD. Others include ADIM and ASDITOJ.
Main Objetive: Promote marketing and sales of their coffee in an efficient and organized manner with an ecological an sustainable focus, promoting the participation of men and women to elevate their member’s livelihoods through various trainings int their area and thus strengthening their technical and productive capacities.
Main Activities: Collection and commercialization of coffee. Technical assistance for coffee production, certifications, roasting and packaging services, organic products for sale, forest nursery projects, promotion of diversification products.
Mission: Look for mechanisms to establish alliances to market their coffee, certify their production, find technical assistance, and purchase roasting equipment.
The association also promotes the participation of younger generation in the coffee process as well as empowering women through their participation in the Board of Directors. - AUSTRALIA ESTATE
Location: El Tumbador, San Marcos, Guatemala
Coffees Produced: Strictly Hand Bean, Maragogype
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Process: Traditional Washed
Production: 1250 bags
Harvest: November to March/April
Australia has been a coffee farm since 1897! It is a family-run estate in the hands of Luz de MacKenney, who does a grand job preserving the natural environment. The farm working with agricultural practices designed to minimize environmental impact.
Mrs. MacKenney is also a director of Funcafé, the National Coffee Association’s (ANACAFE), the institutionalized social arm of the Guatemalan coffee sector.
The farm is currently undergoing the process to become Rainforest Certified.

13 Calle 3-40, Zona 10. Edificio Atlantis
Nivel 14 Oficina 1402
PBX: (502) 2427-0100 / (502) 2470-1000
FAX: (502) 2219-3407 / (502) 2470-1010